+91 7618326990, 8126126565

Early Life Health Care and Educational Society is a registered society under society registration act of 1880, estabished by Sh. Rajesh Kumar Vasistha and fellow team Members to address and solve the ignored or leftout problems in the society.

Society Belives that if these problems are addressed in proper manner it will bring favorble conditions for a better social infrastructure, Economic Properity and better Prospects.

Aims and Objects:


  1. The society organized many campaigns to promote education, sanitation health care and fight the social evils of untouhcability and discrimination, alcoholism, poverty, oppression of women and domestic abuse.

  2. Ensure retention of children from poor families who may drop-out of school by helping their parents avail benefits from the Government schemes.


  1. Non-teaching work should not be given to teachers as it comes in their way of giving proper education.


  1. Shiksha Mitra should be appointed for every 25 children in the age group of 6-14 years.


  1. The Govt. should make a concrete plan for children of poor families who due to poverty can not go to school. Then only all children can get education as their funda mental right.


  1. To provide opportunities to children for education and creativity.


  1. To provide the children with experiences and activities not otherwise avail able to them.


  1. To develop and establish such out of college activity centers for the students of under privileged class of the organization where they could have the benefit and joy of participating in sports, games, artistic activities like painting, clay and wood work, music, dancing, and develop skills in debating, elocutions, participate in excursions educational trips and such other activities.


  1. To assist in the computer training program and promote backward section of the society. To organise computer program and promote backward section of the society. To organise computer program in various college and school to assist in the development of india. To provide meaningful contribution to society towards various educational programs like sports, culture/art etc.


  1. To work for the promotion of education & to establish educational institution for students/children and youth. in backward areas.


  1. To establish and maintain of vocational, professional training institution for the handicapped students with the consent of concerned authorities.


  1. To publish books, charts, illustrations, journals, magazines, newspaper, periodicals and other publications in different language for the propagation of above aims and objects.


  1. To provide chances of higher and technical education for the schedule tribes schedule, schedule castes and OBC & Rural background in India & abroad.


  1. To serve the educational needs such as Literacy, Moral, Cultural, Physical, Industrial and Technical etc. with this view to start School, College, Hostels, Libraries, Gymnasiums, Stipends, Efficiency certificates, etc.


  1. To make available technical and commercial education in as many fields as possible to devise ways and means and accord facilities for candidates to specialize in all or any of the above courses.


  1. To impart education of foreign languages, literature, culture and education to Indian students; and to impart the education of Indian Regional languages including Hindi, Urdu, Knowledge of Indian culture, fine arts sculptures, computer, music, painting, dance etc on the basic of this education, to provide certificate, diploma, advance diploma, graduate and post graduate degrees to it’s students.


  1. To give training in technical, commercial orany other form of education, as may be adopted by the Society from time to time in such a way as to enable candidates who find themselves stranded in life for want of or with the present educational qualifications to make out their livelihood. Training in cludes theoretical, practical and lecturing.


  1. To run a day care centre to provide all round education facilities to disable children.


  1. To arrange and organize various kinds of Welfare programs e.g. Vocational Education, Entertainment, Games etc. for children, working men & women.


  1. To do such other things/ acts/ activities which are necessary and which may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the object of the Society.


  1. To conduct educational exchanges with recognized educational institutional whether indigenous or alien institutional.


  1. To set up training centres for training rural people in areas such as agriculture, fruits and vegetables processing, rural development, saving & credit, forestry, livestock development, irrigation, soil and water conservation, community development, adult education, women in development, nutrition and education for children etc.


  1. Organize educational and vocational training programme with special concern for deprived sections, women/girl and unemployed youth to provide new skills, refine/sharpen/upgrade the existing skills leading to employment, self employment and income generation.


  1. To establish village based institutions such as co-opera live societies, savings & credit groups, micro credit & thrift societies etc to sustain the process of participatory agricultural development.


  1. To maintain sustainable links with the Government, Non-Government agencies, Educational/Research Institutions and International Development agencies to meet the objectives and purpose of the society.



  1. To promote & education Equality as well as Equity, International Integration, Brotherhood, Non violence, Love, Peace, Justice, Protection & Promotion of Human Rights for all.


  1. To organize Conferences, Summits, Seminars, Meetings, Discussions, Debates, Study Courses, Collection of Statisties, Exhibitions, Shows, Tour Trips etc. (India and Abroad)


  1. Education and Awareness about AIDS, Cancer. Hepatitis, TB and other diseases and pursue research in the area of medicine and general health. To open, establish and maintain or to give grants to hospitals, dispensaries, primary health centres for human and animal care and nursing homes in rural areas and providing free medical aid or subsided medical aid to poor and needy in the rural areas.


  1. To sponsor, promote, support, give grants ad-hoe or recurring for research or aid for flood control, famine, drought and other natural calamities or for relief thereof.


  1. To assist farmers, Co-operatives, Youth Clubs, Mahila Mandals, Self Help Groups and villagers in undertaking and organizing village based institutions on self help basis and to provide them with latest technology and other resources.


  1. To create awareness about ill effects of smoking and to encourage people to quite smoking by distributing pamphlets in newspapers.


  1. To organize free medical camps/blood donation camps and counselling centers for drug addicts and organize programmes related to Aids campaign etc.


  1. To provide physiotherapy, Speech therapy, Functional & Occupational Therapy to rehabilitation of the all age people.


  1. To promote health and medical programs, preventives as well as curative for the tribal, rural and urban people and to establish dispensary (Mobile and Stationery), maternity homes, hospitals, health centers, creches etc.


  1. Health, Family Welfare and Nutrition with Education and Awareness.

  2. Physical, Mental and Social well being of the women and children.

  3. Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention through education and rehabilitation.

  4. To create nutritional awareness in community for healthy motherhood and control of malnutrition.


  1. Environment Protection and Local action for natural resource conservation, development and management.


  1. To provide health education, physical education and various martial arts, Kung-Fu, Katate, Jeet Kune Do Ideology, Philosophy and skills.


  1. To organize and award prizes in educational competitions and/or games and sports, to award scholarships to the needy, to provide ways and means for the upfilment of the poor and needy children and to include their moral discipline.


  1. To provide hostels & residential accommodation that may be considered necessary for the students & for each member of the staff that may be made eligible for it, Physical training etc.


  1. To provide the best education available in some of the best schools in india. Emphasis would be on character building, self discipline & the development of the creative & social faculties. The society aims at producing well in formed & well assured young children just the kind of children that our country needs.


  1. To strive to meet changing need of providing comprehensive education develop various facets of personality and to impart education to children on the most modern lines & provide an environment congenial to growth & development of the children.


  1. To arrange & organize the social, cultural & educational programmes from time to time.


  1. To promote social progress and better standards of life and activity cooperate with government of India and other countries to promote education.


  1. To purchase/acquire land from the concerned government authorities and to construct school/college buildings thereon for the cause of the society.


  1. To manage, sell transfer. pledge dispose of or deal with moveable and immovable properties of the society keeping in view of the aims and objects of the society.


  1. To invest surplus funds of the society into RBI Bonds and such other government securities as per Income Tax Rules.


  1. To perform all such acts as may be necessary for the achievement and accomplishment of the above mentioned aims and objects and allied educational activities and services.


  1. To submit tenders in govt./semi govt./private sectors for the keeping in view of the aims and objects of the society.


  1. To improve, manage, develop and grant rights or privileged or respect or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property and rights of the society.


  1. To raise funds through gifts, grant, donations, subscriptions and membership fees and generally to obtain money for the objects of the society in any lawful manner and to invest, apply or deal with the same in such a manner as may be considered most desirable for giving effect to such objectives. The funds could be raised by rendering technical and managerial consultancies and by executing various programs of the government or any other organisation.


  1. To accept donations and or raise subscriptions from members of the society or other persons and to invest the funds of the society as her provisions of the Income Tax Act for the attainment of the aims objects of the society.


  1. To contribute to mutual exchange of knowledge and appreciation of each others problems among the members of the society.


  1. Acquiring and disposing movable and immovable property and assets by purchasing, constructing, altering, maintaining selling or mortgaging properties that may be necessary for the aforesaid objectives.


  1. To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps of the solution of problems relating to members of the society or relating to general public.


  1. To arrange common place for meeting of the members of the society for the purposes of common discussions of common problems and encouragement of thrift, advancement of welfare ideas, mutual assistance, production of the interest of the members of the society.



  1. To Promote Welfare Of Labor/Union Rights & Economic/Social Development.


  1. To conduct charitable services for needy people.


  1. To approach competent court/s to safeguard the right of the general public from time to time as the society may deem fit and proper.


  1. Promote organization of forums such societies, mandals and association of women, youth and workers with a view to undertake collective activities for socio-economic Development.


  1. To provide loyal aid and advice for the indigent and weaker sections of the society and to share global health and global population change.


  1. To nurture sub-junior/junior sports talent scientifically for excellence development on long term basis.


  1. To improve, manage, develop and grant rights or privileged or respect or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property and rights of the society.


  1. To provide standpipe allowances or gratuitous in recurring or any other form to the meritorious students for their maintenance etc. for such time or duration which may deem proper and necessary.


  1. To enter into any arrangements with any government or any government bodies or local authorities which includes municipalities, panchayat, administration and any other co-operative bodies that may be deemed beneficial to any of the society’s objects and to apply for promote and obtain any subsidies, loans, indemnities, grants, contracts, rights, privileges, concessions, licenses, immunities, or authorizations from such government or authority local or otherwise for enabling the society to carry out any of its objectives into effect or for extending any of the powers of the society and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such arrangements, rights, privilege, concession, licenses and authorizations.


  1. All the incomes, earnings, moveable, immovable properties of the society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as set forth in the memorandum of association and no profit on thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends. bounds, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or the past members of the society or to any person claiming through anyone or more of the present or the past members.